Founding AI Engineer (Equity-based, full or part-time)



- Full Time

🌎 Remote

Posted on: 11 September, 2024

Founding AI Engineer (Equity-based, full or part-time)

Important note

  • This is a role based on equity in the company and there is NO SALARY until we gain paying customers (or raise equity financing). You will become a part owner of DataRavel.
  • Our current focus is to generate enough revenue to pay ourselves a decent salary. To save valuable time of both you and us - please DO NOT apply if you aren’t in a financial situation to join for equity.

Company background

DataRavel is on a mission to bring software engineering best practices to data. The first product we are validating and working on is an AI SRE for data teams. The tool will help data teams at companies like McKinsey to help their understaffed data teams prevent and resolve incidents. Data engineering in these companies is chaotic - with way many tools and dependent teams.

Founders have prior data & startup experience working as leaders at companies like Atlassian, Bain & Company, CommerceIQ, etc.

We are fully bootstrapped and have rejected VC term sheets - as we want to stress test the problem-solution fit and actually sell the product.

Your goals

  • As a part of the founding team, you will be a key owner in building our product.
  • You will work on latest and greatest software paradigms such as multi-agent systems.
  • You will run PoCs to evaluate models, for tasks such as:
  • Analyzing query history from data engines such as Snowflake
  • Analyzing warehouse configuration and recommonding optimized setup
  • Analyzing pipeline and transformation (DBT) code and predicting possible downstream failures
  • Building knowledge graph out of metadata collected from multiple tools
  • …. and many more….
  • You will write a ton of code.

What you would achieve in 3 months?

You will be a key part of evaluating our problem-solution fit. You will directly interact with customers to gauge this and build accordingly.

What you would accomplish in 6 months?

You will see first-hand how to build a company from 0 to 1 and what it’s like to build and sell.

Why you should join?

  • You will redefine how reliability engineering is done in the data space
  • You will gain first-hand experience and knowledge of building a startup
  • You will become a part-owner in a revenue-generating startup
  • You will work with people who are extremely passionate and love what they do
  • You don’t need to deal with any BS

How to apply?

Apply directly on Wellfound or write an email with your CV to


  • Please reach out to if you have any questions about the role.
  • Your colleagues: Vipinkumar Tiwari (CTO), Prasad Subrahmanya (CEO)

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